Or at least that what it seems to me :-)
Ok.. I'm talking bout Malaysia here and you can find more info and the way to access these free WiFi services from Nokia Malaysia's NSeries WiFiZone website.
Let me say that I happen to bump into this free service by accident. I'm at my local coffee shop sipping away to my delicious Ying Yong that I decided to check via my WLAN quick scan to see whether there's an access point (AP) around. And then I found Airzed's AP (a restricted and locked AP available only to paid customers) and decided to check it out just for fun. To my surprise, I'm automatically brought to Nokia NSeries WiFiZone start page with their Flash game. If you are a residents in Malaysia, perhaps you can check it out. I believe there's some prizes to be won.
I decided to try my luck by browsing some website using Nokia's Safari web browser on a Google's Mobile web search page. Apparently, I believe any links that you click while browsing through this website will automatically be converted to a smaller footprint for your mobile's web browser which of course a good news to me as Nokia's Safari web browser from my experience running off a Nokia N series phone tends to run out of memory pretty quickly whenever the webpage is filled lots of graphics.
Ok.. I running off topic again :-) Back to my input, guess what? It worked! Not only the website are displayed very quickly, I can't believe I can actually browse on a paid AP's network without paying (that's before I found out about this NSeries WiFiZone thingy). So, I started downloading all the apps from Nokia's Download! found on my phone. I gotta said, I'm pretty impressed with AirZed's network overall speed and response. Maybe it is because it is a paid network, but who knows right. I gotta tell you downloading Nokia's free apps and testing them out on my phone really make me feel that perhaps, long long time ago, my decision to pay a premium for a WiFI enabled 3MP camera N series phone is not a bad choice after all.
Finally, I guess Nokia Malaysia really impressed me recently with their value-added services provided for all their N series customers. With the official launch of their Windows Live Messenger chat client and also right now, this free WiFi thingy, I guess I finally started to feel getting more money worth when purchasing a Nokia Smartphone over a equally priced Windows Mobile device. But then, this is just my opinion! :-)
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